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Официальная программа SeaSky 2019, включающая бесплатную экскурсию по Батуми для участников, предварительную регистрацию на пятничное BBQ и информацию о четверговской пре-пати. Вся информация будет опубликована на сайте и в социальных сетях. Ссылка на русскую версию программы в постскрипте.

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SeaSky поздравляет с Новым 2019 Годом и Рождеством, желает здоровья, любви и путешествий. Также объявляет победителей и вручает подарки. Встреча состоится в Батуми 14-16 июня.

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Yulia Teliya is an international instructor, choreographer, DJ, and organizer of Afroholic project festivals. With 11 years of dance experience and over 9 years of teaching, she extensively studied dancing with Cuban top-instructors, taught at leading Moscow schools, and worked on her projects in the field of Afro-Cuban dance. She loves Cuban culture and music and tries to convey to her students not only the form but also the understanding of the content of the dance.

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Anna Prozorova, a master of sports of Ukraine and three-time world champion in martial arts, is one of the instructors for TIDF 2017. She began teaching social dances in 2011 and is passionate about reggaeton. Anna will teach you about movement technique, musicality, improvisation, and more. Get ready to sweat!

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Monica Conde is a dancer, instructor, and choreographer from Cali, Colombia. She is the creator and director of Salsa Viva Yerevan, a social dance school based in the capital of Armenia. Monica has been involved in social dances for the last 6 years and has been traveling, teaching, and learning in different countries. She specializes in Salsa LA and Bachata Sensual and is known for her smile and energy.

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Meshcheryakov Alexander is a unique dance teacher who can explain complex movements in simple language. He has an excellent knowledge of the human body and biomechanics, and his teaching concept is based on consistent logic. At his workshops, he ensures that every student understands and masters what he offers for study. Alexander's classes are effective, methodical, and verified, and he pays attention to every detail. His workshops are a step up and sometimes a jump through several stages of development of your dance.

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Вячеслав Заславский - танцор, преподаватель школы DepoDance (Киев), организатор SeaSky Salsa Fest, обладатель титула "Мистер сальса 2010" по версии SNA. Он обладает высоким уровнем техники и харизмы, а также умением донести до учеников информацию по любой из граней танца, будь то музыкальность, кубинский стиль, линейные, ча-ча-ча или исполнение технических элементов. Терпение к ученикам, мягкость характера и мастерство донесения информации помогают ему научить танцевать любого.

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На предстоящие выходные запланировано множество сальса-событий по всей России и за ее пределами. От тренинга в Минске до фестиваля в Тбилиси, от семинаров в Перми до уикенда в Ростове-на-Дону. Все события посвящены танцам и обещают много интересных преподавателей и семинаров. Подробности в статье.

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Alexander Makarenko is a renowned Kizomba instructor in Ukraine who fell in love with the sensual dance form and decided to develop it further. He has developed a universal teaching method for salsa and kizomba, helping his students to not only learn the elements but also invest in their soul and show their own style of dance. He is also the organizer of the international festival Black Sea Kizomba Connection in Odessa.

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